48 research outputs found

    Pengelolaan Manajemen Keuangan dan Strategi Branding di Karang Taruna Abhinaya Lendah, Kalurahan Jatirejo, Kapanewon Lendah, Kulon Progo, DIY

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    Generasi milenial saat ini dihadapkan dengan kenyataan bahwa lapangan pekerjaan semakin sempit dan terbatas. Mereka memiliki pilihan untuk menjadi karyawan dan berkerja di suatu perusahaan, organisasi, maupun instansi atau menjadi seorang entrepreneur yang dapat menumbuhkan lowongan-lowongan pekerjaan baru bagi masyarakat sekitarnya. Hal tersebut dialami juga oleh Karang Taruna Abhinaya yang merupakan perkumpulan pemuda pemudi yang didominasi oleh generasi milenial. Melalui program pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan topik kewirausahaan, khususnya manajemen keuangan dan manajemen pemasaran diharapkan dapat menumbuhkan semangat untuk memulai usaha dan menjadi entrepreneur. Mengingat banyaknya potensi yang terdapat dalam masing-masing individu tersebut yang berani untuk mencoba hal-hal baru dan berani untuk mengambil risiko.   Kata kunci: karang taruna, manajemen keuangan, manajemen pemasaran, strategi branding, kewirausahaa

    Analisis Pengaruh Persepsi Teknologi dan Persepsi Risiko terhadap Kepercayaan Pengguna M-banking

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    M-banking is a banking service that makes it possible to conduct banking transactions via mobile phones with an internet connection. Through m-banking, banking transactions become easier and simpler. One measure of the success of a bank is needed based on trust. Trust in m-banking depends on the perception of technology and the perceived risk of using the m-banking. We propose that 1) technology perceptions influence significantly on trust 2) risk perceptions significant to trust 3) technology perceptions and risk perceptions simultaneously influence trust and 4) technology perceptions have a significant influence on risk perceptions. The population in this study was that m-banking users with samples of 71 respondents were obtained through questionnaires. The data analysis technique used in this study is the t test and F test. The test results show that each hypothesis is accepted with a significance of less than 0.05 which means that 1) the perception of technology influences the significance of trust 2) the perception of risk influences the significance of trust 3) the perception of technological technology has a significant influence on perceived risk. Adjusted R Square 11% shows that there are still many factors beyond the perception of technology and perceptions of risk that can explain trust

    Pengaruh Brand Name dan Country Of Origin terhadap Persepsi Kualitas dan Niat Beli Minuman Ringan Berkarbonasi

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    This study aims to test relationships between brand name and country of origin. Independent variable is brand name and country of origin. The dependent variable is perceived quality and intention to buy. The data collection is done directly by using a survey questionnaire. Hypothesis testing is done using simple regression with SPSS version 22.0. Results can be concluded that brand name and country of origin affect the perception of quality to the product and consumer purchase intention

    Bank Perkreditan Rakyat, Kepercayaan dan Loyalitas Nasabah

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    Bank perkreditan rakyat (BPR) adalah salah satu jenis bank yang dikenal melayani golongan mikro, kecil dan menengah terutama dalam penyaluran kredit. Seperti dengan bank umum, bank BPR mempunyai fungsi yang sama sebagai lembaga intermediate yang menghubungkan pihak yang mempunyai kelebihan dana dengan pihak yang membutuhkan dana. Pada saat ini seiring Perubahan kebijakan ekonomi, tantangan yang dihadapi bank BPR semakin tinggi. Bank BPR harus menjaga kepercayaan nasabah untuk menjaga loyalitas konsumen di saat bersamaan bank-bank umum ikut menyalurkan kredit di sektor UMKM.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji apakah kepercayaan nasabah pada bank BPR berpengaruh pada loyalitas nasabah. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling yakni para nsasabah bank yang mempunyai pinjaman usaha di PD BPR Bantul. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer yang didapatkan melalui kuesioner. Periode sampling dilakukan pada bulan April-Mei 2018 dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 45 debitur PD BPR Bantul. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa berdasar uji t, menunjukkan bahwa kepercayaan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas nasabah. dengan nilai sig 0,000. Nilai R2 sebesar 0,332 menunjukkan bahwa masih terdapat banyak faktor lain di luar kepercayaan sebesar 66,8% yang menjelaskan loyalitas nasabah. &nbsp

    Why Do People Buy Virtual Items? An Assessment Using the Theory of Functional Value

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    Most of the revenue for online game producers comes from selling virtual goods. This study aimed to investigate the intention to purchase virtual items in online games. In these games, players can buy virtual items that can be used to improve their character’s abilities. The researchers used the theory of functional value to test the intention to purchase virtual items and what factors influence this purchase intention. 100 students participated, and data was analyzed through multiple linear regression. Our results indicated that price utility influences the purchase intention of virtual items. We found that character competence and functional quality did not affect purchase intention, which was thought to be related to the social aspects of virtual communities. Keywords: theory of functional value, intention to buy, mobile gam


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    This study aims to determine the effect of social media, tourism events, and service facilities on revisiting interest in Gumuk Pasir Parangkusumo Sandboarding. The research was conducted on visitors to the Parangkusumo Gumuk Pasir Sandboarding. This research is a quantitative research. The sample used in this study amounted to 100 respondents. This study used purposive sampling technique and data analysis with multiple linear regression. Hypothesis testing using the T test and F test with the help of the application program SPSS version 16.0. The results of the multiple linear regression indicate that social media has a positive and significant effect on revisiting interest. Tourism events have a positive and significant effect on revisiting interest. Service facilities have a positive and significant effect on revisiting interest. Based on the results of the F test, it shows that social media, tourism events, and service facilities simultaneously have a significant effect on revisiting interest


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    The development of tourism in Indonesia several years has increased. Oneof the tourist destinations that can be visited is the tourism village. Tourism Village is a village that has a product/service with a special characteristic. To increase tourism potential, marketing strategies are needed to attract tourists, while business performance demonstrates the business performance of an organization. The purpose of this research is to highlight demographic problems that test if there is a diff erence in business performance based on demographic characteristics that are tested that is gender, level of education and age of respondents. The subject in this study is the owners of SMEs in the tourist villages in the special region of Yogyakarta with a total sample of 116 respondents. Data is retrieved through questionnaire. The method of analysis used is a diff erent test one way ANOVA. Test results show that there is nosignifi cant diff erence in business performance based on gender or level of education. However, other results show signifi cant diff erences in business performance based on respondents age

    Generasi Third Wave Coffee: Perspektif Milenial Terhadap Kopi Gelombang Ketiga

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    Industri kopi saat ini memasuki masa-masa gelombang ketiga. Generasi milenial mengalami era ini secara langsung. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk menguji pengaruh persepsi kualitas, citra negara asal, dan kepercayaan terhadap minat beli kopi gelombang ketiga pada generasi milenial. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi empiris dengan menggunakan metode survei kuesioner. Kuesioner secara acak dikirim ke konsumen yang memiliki pengalaman pembelian kopi. Hipotesis diuji dengan metode regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi kualitas, citra negara asal, dan kepercayaan memiliki keterkaitan dengan minat beli produk kopi gelombang ketiga


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    Based on the phenomena that happen in society, there are many e-wallet services in Indonesia but still have not adopted their effectiveness. This study aims to measure people's acceptance of GoPay e-wallet as a tool of payment in the cashless generation. To find out whether consumers are interested in using GoPay as a payment tool frequently, we using multiple linear regression analyses. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and experience on the intention to reuse GoPay with millennial generation samples in Yogyakarta. The results show that perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and experience partially and simultaneously affect the intention reusing GoPay e-wallet

    Pelatihan Pengembangan Manajemen Pemasaran di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Bagi Usaha Catering Bu Parini di Kecamatan Danurejan DIY

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    Pelaku usaha bisnis di tahun 2021 ini masih dihadapkan dengan kenyataan bahwa pandemi Covid-19 yang melanda dunia belum dapat sepenuhnya hilang. Pelaku usaha bisnis tetap harus menjalankan usahanya di tengah kondisi ekonomi yang semakin sulit dan menurunnya tingkat daya beli masyarakat. Banyak masyarakat yang kehilangan pekerjaan karena pandemi ini yang menurunkan tingkat konsumsi masyarakat. Bagi pelaku usaha kuliner, penurunan pendapatan sangat terasa sejak awal pandemi di tahun 2020. Hal tersebut dialami juga oleh Catering Bu Parini yang berada di DIY. Untuk itu, diadakan program pelatihan pengembangan manajemen pemasaran lewat kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan topik pemasaran di tengah pandemi, khususnya tema-tema seputar manajemen keuangan dan manajemen pemasaran